1949 Taste Tips is a vintage cookbook from the Jewish organization, Women's American ORT. It includes a combination of hints and recipes from the organization. Everything from Croquettes to Shortcake are included in this alphabetically sorted cookbook.
Format: Plastic cover spiral bound, 94 pages
Copyright: 1949
Publisher: Women's American Ort (WAO)
Author: Women's American Ort
Description: The secrets of a good cook are open to anyone who uses some ingenuity and imagination. The procedure is quite simple - a dash of herbs added to an inexpensive cut of meat to bring out zesty flavor - a soupcon of seasoning that gives new piquancy to an old favorite - a fine sauce to transform a dessert into a delicacy. In short, the trick is to bring out latent savour and aroma in ordinary dishes and to produce a distinctive taste where none existed.
Since most homemakers must plan more than a thousand meals each year, why not have fun and explore new combinations? You will enjoy the thrill of experimenting with untried seasonings. You can make the business of every day cooking a pleasurable taste adventure.
Everyone has files of recipes to pore over at his/her leisure. But for the cook who needs a quick or novel suggestion to make a dish more interesting to eat, this little cookbook should be a veritable treasure trove. It contains more than 1,200 short hints of preparing and serving over 100 familiar foods. Collected over a period of years from many different authoritative sources, they have been compiled with care, printed in concise form and arranged in alphabetical order for easy finding.
Taste Tips will bring good cheer to your table and considerably increase your reputation for unusual cookery.
Condition: Cover, interior pages and spiral are in good condition.